“Here I was, leading worship in local language that I couldn’t speak. I had three leprous ladies assisting me with their singing and shaking rattles with hands that had no fingers. We were sitting on the floor of a mud house destroyed by the Taliban and there was a war going on in the country. But, we were together as brothers and sisters in the Lord, and I just loved it.”
If God were to call you to move overseas as a missionary, what would hinder you from answering His call?
We all have fears, questions, and anxieties when it comes to missions, and this book will address those concerns,both Biblically and from a practical aspect.
This book takes us along and gives us an insight into the challenges, struggles and victories that Ville and Johanna Männistö experienced during their time in Afghanistan. There are also some questions and answers formulated for you, at the end of each chapter.
Together, we can find out what God wants with your life and missions.