The Wonderful Life in Christ


English version of the Swedish book ”Det underbara livet i Kristus”.

I den här boken visar Rune Borgsø, både utifrån Bibelns undervisning och med personliga exempel, vilka vi är i Kristus, att Guds vilja är att himlen ska komma till jorden, och att tron inte är statisk utan organisk – den kan växa!

Artikelnr: BRB1988 Kategorier: , ,


On earth as it is in heaven

 The way we  view God, determines how we relate to Him, and it also shapes our perspective of everything else. Therefore, it is significant that we as Christians comprehend the goodness and loving kindness of our heavenly Father, the width and greatness of the redeeming work of Christ, and who we are as children of God. If our understanding of this falls short, we will lose our confidence as children of God and also miss out on the good gifts our heavenly Father truly would like to give us. 

In this book, Rune Borgsø unfolds—both from the teaching in the Bible and his own personal experiences—who we are in Christ, God’s will being that heaven would come to earth, and that your faith isn’t static, it’s organic—it can grow! 

As a child of God, you are born again and are a new creature in Christ Jesus. God has blessed you with all the good gifts He has in store for you in heaven—but you don’t have to wait until you get there to grasp what the reality of the redeeming work of Christ means for you. It belongs to you, already here and now.

This book is written for you to mirror yourself in these truths and to learn how you get hold of the inheritance that rightly belongs to you, for you to discover the wonderful life in Christ and see more of God’s love—so you can grow more confident as a person, more bold in your expectation on the blessings of God and see how you in faith can live in them. 

About the author:
Rune Borgsø is a pastor and Bible teacher with a passion for seeing people getting hold of more of the life and the fullness of the good purposes of God for their lives. Rune is married to Kari and they have three children. Rune is also the author of the book Step Out Into The Life of the Spirit.

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